The terroir of mountain cheeses: a focus on microbes, animals and production systems
12th Mountain Cheese meeting | (20-22 June 2017)
Dear colleagues and friends,
The 12th Mountain Cheese meeting will be organised by the University of Padova (Italy) in the Veneto region from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2017 . Please save the dates!
The general topic of the meeting will be “The terroir of mountain cheeses; a focus on microbes, animals and production systems ”. This meeting will give us the opportunity to foster research connections and create a new dynamic between scientists and members of the cheese production chains.
Looking forward to meet you in June.
Best regards.
Bruno Martin and Enrico Sturaro
Information and details about the venue, the program, the presentations and the registration process are available below. Take a look also at the attachments and the contacts at the bottom of this page.
20 June
Agripolis Campus, Legnaro (PD)
Departure by bus from Hotel Casa del Pellegrino, Padova
Scientific session (see attached file with the list of communication)
Departure by bus from Agripolis to Padova City Centre
Social dinner in Padova
21 June
Technical visit to Malga Juribello
(experimental summer farm, Passo Rolle - Trento)
Departure by bus from Hotel Casa del Pellegrino , Padova
Scientific presentation and workshop:
Valorz, Bittante, Sturaro: presentation of research on Mountain cheese
in Malga Juribello
Short poster presentation (5 minutes per poster):
Chair Enrico Sturaro
Bronwen Percival: Reimagining British Mountain Cheese
Celine Spelle: France Terroir Cheese network: an original tool to support
Research and Development for PDO cheese sector
Worskhop: status and perspectives of research in Mountain Cheese.
Chairs: Bittante and Martin
Pasture visit
Arrival to hotel Casa del Pellegrino, free dinner
22 June
Visit to laboratories in Agripolis, post congress mini tour in Venice
20 June
Agripolis Campus, Legnaro (PD)
Departure by bus from Hotel Casa del Pellegrino, Padova
Scientific session (see attached file with the list of communication)
Departure by bus from Agripolis to Padova City Centre
Social dinner in Padova
21 June
Technical visit to Malga Juribello
(experimental summer farm, Passo Rolle - Trento)
Departure by bus from Hotel Casa del Pellegrino , Padova
Scientific presentation and workshop:
Valorz, Bittante, Sturaro: presentation of research on Mountain cheese
in Malga Juribello
Short poster presentation (5 minutes per poster):
Chair Enrico Sturaro
Bronwen Percival: Reimagining British Mountain Cheese
Celine Spelle: France Terroir Cheese network: an original tool to support
Research and Development for PDO cheese sector
Worskhop: status and perspectives of research in Mountain Cheese.
Chairs: Bittante and Martin
Pasture visit
Arrival to hotel Casa del Pellegrino, free dinner
22 June
Visit to laboratories in Agripolis, post congress mini tour in Venice
Oral communications: 10 minutes of presentation (30 for invited speakers) + 5 minutes for discussion. Presentations (Powerpoint files) must be uploaded at the meeting room before each session or can be sent by email to before the meeting.Posters: posters should be prepared following these indications: maximum size : 150cm (height) x 95cm (width ), A0 should fit. Authors are asked to hang the poster during the first day of congress (20 June). Posters can be discussed during the coffee breaks and a specific session will be held during the technical excursion (3 minutes to present key points of the posters + 2 min of discussion). It will be an opportunity to discuss also the poster contributes, in a wonderful mountain context.
Oral communications: 10 minutes of presentation (30 for invited speakers) + 5 minutes for discussion. Presentations (Powerpoint files) must be uploaded at the meeting room before each session or can be sent by email to before the meeting.Posters: posters should be prepared following these indications: maximum size : 150cm (height) x 95cm (width ), A0 should fit. Authors are asked to hang the poster during the first day of congress (20 June). Posters can be discussed during the coffee breaks and a specific session will be held during the technical excursion (3 minutes to present key points of the posters + 2 min of discussion). It will be an opportunity to discuss also the poster contributes, in a wonderful mountain context.
Scientific committee: Bruno Martin, INRA Clermont Ferrand
Organizing committee: Enrico Sturaro, DAFNAE University of Padova