CROPINNO Workshop - Introduction to (Crop) Epigenetics

Dal 02.02.2023 al 24.02.2023

Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production (CROPINNO)
The expected impacts of CROPPINO include: improved excellence capacity, enhanced strategic networking activities, raised reputation and attractiveness of IFVCNS and the research profile of its staff. CROPINNO  further aims strengthen research management capacities and administrative skills of IFVCNS staff, as well as improved creativity supported by the development of new research activities and collaborations and increased mobility of qualified scientists.To that end, EMPHASIS will provide knowledge and experience on research infrastructure management, based on the expertise of the EMPHASIS Coordination and Support Office at the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
The project has an overall budget of 1.5 million Euros and will run for 3 years, being coordinated by IFVCNS and integrating four further partners.
The Workshop dedicated to Epigenetics will take place in Legnaro (PD) on 23 and 24 February. Partecipation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.
For further information, you can contact Prof. Serena Varotto -