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Seminars and Courses

DAFNAE-Entomology organizes a seminar session

Agripolis, Legnaro (PD - Aula 2 Stecca 2


A cycle of seminars hold by Logan C. Moore, Deepa Pureswaran and Lorenzo Marini

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Seminars and Courses

Next Generation Bioinformatics: unleashing genomics potentials

Agripolis (Legnaro, Padova)


Seminar held by Dr. Walter Sanseverino

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Seminars and Courses

How Africa's Maize Turned White

Agripolis (Legnaro, PD)


Seminar given by Prof. James C. McCan

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Seminars and Courses

A New Player in Drought Stress Signaling: Stomata Regulation by Sulfate


Seminar by Prof. Ruediger Hell

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Seminars and Courses

Prof. Daniel Gianola - Programs of seminars and courses

Visiting Professor in DAFNAE for 3 months (next)...

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